Mr. Richard Clark

Mr. Richard Clark

Global Lead, Energy Storage, Morgan Advanced Materials


Educated as a chemical engineer at the University of Cambridge in England, Richard Clark has been with Morgan Advanced Materials (LSE: MGAM) for over 30 years, developing and commercializing carbon and ceramic materials and components. He leads Morgan’s work in energy storage, which encompasses all businesses related to lithium‐ion batteries and fuel cells as well as products directly or indirectly related to electric vehicles. Most recently he has focused on the manufacture and use of ceramics in andaround lithium‐ion batteries.”


"Solid-StateBatteries - about to move to mainstream or already too late?"

The excitement about solid-state batteries as a potential future technology to replace lithium-ion batteries containing liquid electrolytes peaked when it was discovered that the lithium ionic conductivity of a solid could exceed that of a liquid. However, this was more than a decade ago, and despite great progressin related research, technical and commercial challenges have meant repeated delays in large-scale product launches. This talk will focus on recent developments and help answer the question of whether solid-state batteries will ever be mainstream or simply be of technical interest and at best able to address small, niche markets.

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