"The li-ion rechargeable battery market and main trends 2018-2025"
http://www.sdle.co.il"Beyond Li-Ion battery High Energy and Power Cells Market 2019"
http://www.sdle.co.il"Accelerating the Green Shift in Norway – How to unlock large scale supply of batteries from the Nordic Region"
http://www.freyrbattery.com"EASy Marine™ - modular high power marine battery concept for hybrid electric applications"
https://eas-batteries.com"Battery system optimization and high power applications"
http://www.forseepower.com"High reliable and high safety subsea Li-Ion battery systems for different applications"
http://www.subctech.com"Energy Storage Systems and Market Opportunities in Norway"
http://www.schive.no"BMZ batteries in the sustainable world"
https://www.bmz-group.com/EN_index_1000.html"Processing over 10,000 Electric Vehicle batteries. What have we learned?"
http://www.spiersnewtechnologies.com“How can the power conversion and control system maximise the benefits from your batteries?”"
http://www.pixii.com"Elkem: Integrated material solutions for the battery industry"
http://www.elkem.no"Customizing Li-Ion Battery Cells for Special Applications"
http://en.customcells.de/?l=en"Trailblazing Resource Management Through the Upcoming Battery Wave"
http://www.uia.no/en"BATCircle - RDI Support for Sustainable Scandinavian and European Battery Value Chains"
http://www.batcircle.fiRegistriation and Exhibition
"Comau advanced technologies in marine battery assembly"
http://www.comau.com/en“Battery Production: Norway’s New Industrial Adventure?”
https://bellona.no"Production of green and sustainable Li-ion battery cells in Europe"
http://www.northvolt.com“The Energy Transition – from waste to a resource”
http://www.lithiumwerks.com"Ships with batteries, who are using them?"
http://maritimebatteryforum.com"HUGIN AUV – Battery technology at 6000 meter water depth"
http://www.km.kongsberg.com/marine-robotics"Powering a Subsea Drone"
https://www.bluelogic.no"Low cost, high performance, sustainable batteries based on NaCi"
http://broadbit.com"Coating and drying for anode and cathode materials"
http://www.mathisag.com/EN/index.php"Battery Safety"
http://www.sdle.co.il*Program is subject to changes.
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