Andrea Aarseth Langli

Managing Director, Maritime Battery Forum


Andrea is the Managing Director for the Maritime Battery Forum, working with the member companies to make maritime batteries a global success. She holds a M.Sc. degree in Marine Technology, specializing in Marine System Design and Logistics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). When not working at the MBF, she works as a Consultant at DNV GL Maritime, in the department of Environment Advisory. She has worked on different types of projects involving zero and low emission technologies, as well as participated in the work of the Green Shipping Programme.


Batteries have made their entry into the world of maritime and have over a few years gone from a few special projects to becoming more of a norm for new projects. The presentation will show the status of batteries in the commercial fleet, using the Maritime Battery Forum ship database. The presentation will discuss development in segments, technology and location in the world, and will provide the conference participant with the latest situation picture for commercial vessels using batteries in the world

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We are currently working on our list of speakers for the conference.