Dr. Christian Miesner, AVL List Nordiska AB

"Battery system development: Decrease time to market with increased product maturity"


Dr. Christian Miesner is the VP of Battery & Cell Testing within AVL's test instruments division.

He is passionate about electrification as a big leaver to decarbonization. The battery is the costliest part of an electrified powertrain and at the same time has the largest potential to be improved, both cost- and performance-wise.

Creating insights out of the testing of battery is akey pillar for a quick development of EVs.

Christian works now for over ten years in the field of battery test. Before engaging batteries, he worked for almost ten years working on power semiconductors focusing on the usage of wide-bandgap semiconductors in power applications. He holds a PhD in semiconductor physics from the Walter-Schottky-Institute of the Technical University of Munich.


"Battery system development: Decrease time to market with increased product maturity"

How to manage the battery test field efficiently withthought through methods, tools, simulation and testing equipment.
