Dr. Alexander Mavromaras

Commercial Director EMEA, Materials Design S.A.R.L.


Dr. Alexander Mavromaras, Commercial Director for the EMEA region at French Materials Design S.A.R.L., brings over two decades of experience to his role. Having joined the company during its inception in 1999, he played a pivotal role in supporting the expanding business operations across Japan and the USA. His tenure also includes serving on the Board of Directors at US-based Materials Design Inc. from 2004 to 2011. Driven by a background in materials science and specialized software development, Alexander holds a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Darmstadt, Germany, and an E.M.B.A. from Stockholm University,Sweden.


"Advancing Battery Technology with Modeling Insights: From Active Materials to Cell"

Confronted with rapid battery technology advancement, fierce international competition, and fragile supply chains, European battery cell makers and OEMs are tackling the urgent need to expand processing capacities while dealing with high labor costs, strong environmental regulations, and talent scarcity. R&D investments thus focus on optimizing battery materials chemistry and speeding and scaling up production while preserving performance and safety.

Materials Design’s leading modeling technology and expertise are powerful tools in the quest for higher energy density, faster charging, longer lifetime, and operational safety. Our simulations help predict physical and chemical key performance indicators and improve the understanding of nanoscale processes affecting charging characteristics, safety, and cell aging. Our unique integrated materials modeling environment leverages machine-learning technologies, molecular dynamics, and advanced first-principles methods to predict the evolution of active battery cell components such as electrodes, electrolytes, separators, SEIs, and CEIs. With a highly skilled team of scientists and engineers, Materials Design is the preferred partner to help your organization maintain competitive advantage and leverage your technology and expertise with reliable materials data and last-level understanding.
